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Questions about a FATBIKE Last Updated: 09/13/2024 |
Q. Hello, I don't have a bike yet for my 9 year old rider. He has right-sided hemiplegia. His right arm and leg are weaker than his left. He can run and walk, but is struggling with balance on a bike and hasn't been able to ditch the training wheels. He has had decent luck with a cheap kid's bike with training wheels from Target. Even with the training wheels, though, he still falls. And he has outgrown the size. I'd like to invest in a better bike, and his physical therapist suggested getting a FATWHEELS training wheels for better stability. I have a few questions. I'm interested in FATWHEELS adaptive bike. -Is it too large for a kid who's 48" tall and 50 pounds? -I worry about the front brake. Doesn't that set him up for flying over the handlebars if he brakes too fast? -Can the hand brake be moved to the left handlebar, so he can use his stronger hand? -Can the FATWHEELS training wheels be removed when he's ready? -Can the pedals be removed if we want to practice balance in a strider-fashion? -Would I be better off buying a good bike elsewhere and attaching FATWHEELS training wheels? A. These are all great questions, let's go over some of your points.